‘I originally enrolled and attended one of the Goodwin Projects as I was out of work for a while and needed support. I was notified that I was eligible to join the pantry and because I was financially struggling, I jumped at this because it was becoming harder to make ends meet.
I have found the pantry and FareShare’s services a lifeline at times and a great help, especially at times that we have really struggled with a lack of food and I am grateful that I have been offered support.
I know that FareShare are mainly run by amazing volunteers, and the food I have received each week through FareShare at the Goodwin Pantry is amazing. You never know what you will get each week as it changes, but we love the weekly fruit and vegetables. I could not be more grateful for the support I have received.
The difference that FareShare and the Pantry have made to my life is that I could use it if I was struggling, taking away the stress of needing food and providing fresh food. I would go to the Pantry a little later in the day so there was less queues, but I always felt safe attending and it is a lot less frightening than going to a big supermarket.’
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